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Barley Flour

        Barley Flour - 2 lbs

        • $4.99
        • 2 lbs bag
        In stock(12 available)
        Not rated yet
        • $4.99
        • 2 lbs bag
        In stock(12 available)
        Free shipping on orders of $109 or more*

        Barley flour is a non-wheat flour made from grinding whole barley. It’s a popular alternative to wheat flour because, unlike many non-wheat flours, it contains some gluten. This obviously doesn't make it a good choice for those with celiac’s, who cannot tolerate gluten, but it does mean that it is an excellent option for more conventional bakers looking to expand their skills by working with alternative flours.

        Barley flour has a mild, but very slightly nutty, flavor the complements both regular and whole grain flours.

        barley flour
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        Product questions

        • Judi
          May 24, 2024, 18:40

          How fine is barley flour? Is it good for making bread?

          May 25, 2024, 10:28

          Hello- Yes this is fine flour and can be used for making bread. Thank you

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