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Amul Ghee - 16 oz.

        Amul Ghee - 16 oz.

        • $9.89
        • 16 oz tin
        In stock(12 available)
        Not rated yet
        • $9.89
        • 16 oz tin
        In stock(12 available)
        Free shipping on orders of $109 or more*

        Indian ghee made from pure butter cream. Ghee, the most common cooking medium in India, is the nation's version of clarified butter. Unsalted butter is diligently simmered to eliminate moisture, a process that lightly browns the fat, giving it a nutlike flavor. Ghee is ideal for sautéing, braising, pan-frying and deep-frying. Once you taste ghee's buttery taste, you will know the difference. It is packed with flavor, and often 1 tablespoon of ghee will work just as well as four tablespoons of any other cooking oil. It is the healthy, all-natural, salt-free, lactose-free alternative to hydrogenated oils that clog arteries.

        Also, ghee does not need to be refridgerated. It will stay fresh for 4-5 weeks at room temperature, and six months if refridgerated. The ghee will stay fresh for a longer period if you use clean, dry spoons whenever touching the ghee.

        Pure Indian ghee made in India from Buffalo and Cow Milk.

        Buffalo and Cow Milk Butter
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