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Laxmi Dark Red Kidney Beans - 2 lbs

  • $4.99
  • 2 lb bag
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  • $4.99
  • 2 lb bag
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Dark kidney beans, also known as red kidney beans, are a variety of kidney beans that have a deep red or dark maroon color. They are a popular type of legume commonly used in various cuisines around the world, particularly in dishes like chili, stews, salads, and bean-based soups.

Dark kidney beans have a robust and hearty flavor with a slightly nutty undertone. They have a firm texture even after cooking, which makes them suitable for dishes where you want the beans to hold their shape. When cooked properly, dark kidney beans are tender but not mushy.

These beans are rich in protein, dietary fiber, and various essential nutrients. They are also a good source of minerals such as iron and potassium. Dark kidney beans are often included in vegetarian and vegan diets as a plant-based protein source.

Ingredients:- Dark Red Kidney Beans

Dark Red Kidney Beans
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