Botanical Name : Cerasus mahaleb
Hemani Mahlab Oil is 100% Natural.
The oil is extracted from soft interior of the fruit stone of Mahlab Plant. To date, much research has shown that Mahlab has different medicinal benefits for essential use.
Some of Mahlab oil benefits are listed below :
1. Mahlab is commonly use for making desserts.
2. Bathing with Mahlab Oil helps prevents bronchitis and eliminates back pain.
3. To gain weight: use mahaleb oil with almonds and sugar.
With Hemani Mahlab Oil, we have generated our best efforts and used latest technology in order to get the best quality of Mahlab Oil.
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- Mild Spice Level
- Gluten Free
- Mild Spice Level
- Gluten Free
- Mild Spice Level
- Gluten Free
- Mild Spice Level
- Gluten Free